“Lonely Hearts” authored by Prakkash Satputhe to release soon.

Experienced IT professional and Heartfulness meditation trainer from Nagpur, Maharastra, Prakkash Satputhe has authored a book “Lonely Hearts” which is based on a real-life story. It is a story of an old mother who passed last ten years of her life lonely and desolate as her only son had settled in the USA immediately after his graduation and later her husband also expired. The author says he has seen many such parents around him who are passing their old age without a physical and moral support from their children who have opted to settle abroad for the sake of better life.
This book addresses a social issue, the pathos of the lonely parents whose children have settled abroad for ever.
“Lonely Hearts” is a journey of emotions of an isolated mother, her fight with the situation, her sacrifices, her desires, and her motherly master strokes to hide her pain which has been portrayed beautifully in this book.
Prakkash Satputhe is practising Heartfulness meditation for last 22 years and he is also a Heartfulness meditation trainer since the year 2002. Writing a book on this social issue came to his mind when he was allotted a job to do meditation sittings with a lonely old lady residing nearby him. He says “till I met her I had either heard of such lonely parents or have seen them from a distance, but this time I had a chance to interact with her and to peep into her heart, which motivated me to pen down this social issue and put the pain of such parents in front of the world”.
There are many such social issues which the author intends to write books on to arouse patriotism and social values among the masses.

He wants to work for the social issues like farmer’s woes, education system and depression tendencies among youth, businessmen and even celebrities. He said spirituality is the master key to resolve all the human problems.
He says any nation cannot become great by mere improving the infrastructure, building roads, adopting new technology or improving economy unless every citizen imbibes the moral values and expands his inner consciousness level. The peace can be established in the universe only by adopting spirituality.
“Lonely Hearts” is his debut novel and he vows to continue his work for the welfare of the society.
This book gives the message to serve our nation and serve our parents.
He has appealed to all the university students, the young generation settled abroad and all parents to read this book. The author can be contacted at authorprakkash@gmail.com.