Indian Nationalism and why are some ‘trolls’ against the idea
I have been writing about Sanatan Dharma and spiritually sparkling articles on a few of my columns.
Indian Nationalism has always been a concept left ignored by certain groups who try to divide the masses.
The vastness and complexity of the country and diverse traditions have always challenged unity in diversity.
An Indian is a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh, a Christian, an atheist- together we are India. India as a country is blessed with richest of history dating over 5000 years! Hinduism, the Hindu way of living defined the term Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. We are taught to love and respect everyone and seek positive steps in the development of family, community, and nation as a whole.
Our history books have never been kind to us. Let’s talk more about India before I discuss further.
India, is a birthplace of three of the world’s world’s oldest religion, Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.
A wonderful country, India, was once the capital of the world’s art, culture, and science. In the 7th Century, India was divided into different kingdoms who constantly fought against each other and the outside invaders. In the 12th Century, India was invaded by Mughals. In the 17th Century, the British arrived and through technological advance and diplomacy supremacy, they ruled our land of 200 years before being kicked out by rising wave of Indian Nationalism, a peaceful rebellion like never seen before, or was it?
Our history books have never been kind to us. We were taught that Vasco da Gama came to India in 1498 from Portugal. But, what was Goa was 1498? I guess even most of the Goans have no idea about that.
Shefali Vaidya puts it very correctly:
Our history has been altered by certain elements which have always tried to bring glory to a certain family.
We were once the capital of mathematical discoveries and scientific inventions but our science books don’t share light on the
“struggle to the success story”
of ANY of our scientist and so, we can’t even list out 20 scientists from India.
We are repeating our mistake! Divided we fall, together we rise. So, here is the backstory to the rebuttal post I did and why someone really did try to malign me on crazy levels.
I have always spoken about nationalism in highest of regards. I believe constructive criticism and a positive approach towards Nation Building is the only way forward for India as a whole.
The country has seen numerous attempts and powerful forces trying to break the Hindu way of living because of the probable funds flying from across the border.
Someone tried to ‘silence’ me as well.
The ‘unknown troll’ possibly keen on getting hold of some nationalists and trying to silence them to receive attention from a select few “anti-establishment” forces initially started to threaten me by making (possibly) a Fake ID by the name of Tausif Ahmed and putting up blogs and shooting abuses against my name.
I posted the same on Facebook seeing threats and painful emails flowing in.
In the midst of the current moment, I would like to bring some really personal issue that has been bothering me personally and breaking me down for the past six weeks.
Here is the story,
I used to post stuffs about the Hindu way of living and spiritual articles about ancient Indian history and our beautiful sub continent culture that has stood the pressure of time for the past five thousand years.
The articles were only focused on the beautiful Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma and I had a very small readership base that used to go through my articles and share the same.
I even started covering few of the Indian Foundations on my columns with a sole intention of bringing out beautiful initiatives in public domain.
Around 2nd of September, I started receiving calls from unknown sources threatening me to back down or face consequences.
I was surprised to hear such painful phone calls from someone and but I ignored thinking it might be a mere troll!
What transpired next just broke me down.
I was shocked, heart broken and disturbed seeing a fake blog website being made against my name with fake articles and surprisingly fake interviews of my very own with my name involved maligning my image.
The ‘troll’ started putting up abuses, insulting my life worth of work publicly on a blog website with my name and even made a YouTube channel and shared my videos on the platform.
He wrote long articles on ‘medium’ and left multiple comments on my ‘Tedx’ videos with personal abuses, name calling and it drained me emotionally.
I kept ignoring the same to focus on my work but this continued to happen on Twitter, and Facebook as well.
I wrote him an email asking him to stop doing that because it gave me emotional distress but the blackmail and public abuses continued.
This has been done with the intention to defame and injure my character and reputation and cause injury to my character. The aforesaid person is liable for prosecution for offensive comment on social media and other offenses.
This has silenced me and I have planned to file an official complaint in the Cyber Police after seeking suggestions from the experts.
Cyber bullying is real and Writers who are trying to preserve their own culture are being targeted! I have never questioned anyone else’s ideology in my entire life, and always respected others without harming any individual. Fake Ids against my name, public defamatory posts and personal attacks for the past six weeks! I request anyone reading this to suggest me more actions that can be taken and this has drained me into a point of no return.
I was low and I kept silent for quite a few days until I realized the need for rebuttal.
I did a point to point rebuttal to Ojha man and here is the link for the same
I was threatened, maligned and someone who wanted to seek fame tried really hard to tweet baseless accusations and personal attacks against me and I answered the same in the link above.
Indian Nationalism and Nationalist articles supporting Sanatan Dharma- is it that hard to write positive articles about Indianness?
Is it that hard to live and seek peace?
The question and answers are in the public domain.
I am back to writing and I am back to slaying it; in style.
I rest my case. :)
Vande Mataram.