Call center outsourcing Philippines
“What new technology does is create new opportunities to do a job that customers want done.” — Tim O’Reilly

There seems to be a growing concern in pockets of people around the world that machines will render us useless. However, like so many things in life, our attitudes and feelings towards the technological revolution will shape our experience with it.
There are certainly drawbacks to everything and anything in the world, but I encourage you to continue to look at the positives. Technology has connected us; it has made our lives better and easier. We live in the greatest time to ever be alive.
Tim O’Reilly’s sentiment above highlights that our perspective can determine our outcome.
Let’s take the example of a digital marketer and examine it quickly. Some marketing professionals worry that the more automated tools that come out, the more likely it is, or easy it will be, that they will be replaced.
The marketer is left with two choices here, evolve, or resist. Resisting is risking that their greatest fears do, in fact, come true. Resisting the use of automation in bidding, or generating negative keywords, or generating new keywords, will not slow its progress.
The sheer number of tools that already exist to do this is a testament to this.
This is not the answer. No, the marketer must evolve. The marketer must use these tools to automate some processes and free up time to do more data interpretation and work more on the creative side. Set up A/B testing to run separate recommendations against each other and see which ones will work better. Focus on writing more compelling ad copy, making more visually stunning landing pages, and all of the other tasks like this.
Technology in the workplace should be your friend, treat it as such.
Call centers have been a staple in business and the business process outsourcing industry for decades. The introduction of automation will only serve to help this.
For BPO companies in countries like the Philippines (arguably the best BPO industry in the world), their call centers handle volumes of calls that are hard to comprehend. With quality at a fair price being their big competitive advantage, they must use AI to aid in this process and streamline it.
Let’s take a moment and examine 3 ways that AI improves the customer experience when it comes to call centers.
1. AI is an evolving technology still in its infancy. If we examine AI in the scope of looking at ten years ago to now, we see an extremely complex machine with monumental growth. If we look at it in the context of comparing it to the human brain and where we expect AI to grow, it still performs very basic cognitive functions. This is to say we need humans for the big issues that call centers handle, so let’s free up their time and let the AI handle base-level problems.
2. AI can obtain basic information, pass it to the agent, and save everyone time. AI communicates with the customer to obtain name, account number, phone number etc. By the time a real live human agent is on the phone, they know who they are talking to, and they have the customers account in front of them. This will help keep decrease the average call handling time and streamline each call.
3. Data, data, data. AI can use vocal recognition to detect how the customer experience is. This data can be used to craft future, better customer experiences, and help your business.
The world is changing, and so are call centers. In contact center hot-spots like the Philippines, we see innovative, cutting edge companies like PITON-Global adapting and leading the way with AI in their call centers. AI works to improve operating efficiencies and to lower operational cost. Embrace the change and help your company find another competitive advantage by outsourcing to call centers who are adapting the revolutionary world of AI.